The ARTCOAT product line includes pure and hybrid polyurea systems, that deliver different elasticity, hardness, resistance... in order to always use the most suitable system for each situation. These are applied with high-pressure, hot-spray equipment, as well as manually, into any thickness. If you would like to know more about our polyurea systems or receive free technical advisory, please click here and our of our experts with get in touch with you.
ACE PU-100 is a 100% pure polyurea system that must be applied with high-pressure, hot-spray equipment. It creates within seconds a continuous, elastic and waterproof coating with excellent mechanical properties and chemical resistances. It holds an ETA 14-143 as waterproofing membrane for all sorts of roof with an estimated service life of 25 years.

ART-7052 is a modified hybrid polyurea systems of high elongation and low sesitivity to humidity, with excellent traction and wear resistance. It must be applied with high-pressure, hot-spray equipment, and creates within seconds a continuous, elastic and waterproof coating with excellent mechanical properties and chemical resistances. It holds an ETA/DITE.

PUR-200 FR
Sistema de poliurea aromática pura con resistencia al fuego, que se aplica con equipo de proyección en caliente formando una membrana continua, impermeable y elástica de gran elongación y, resistencia a la tracción y el desgaste.

What are polyureas?
Polyureas are SYHNTHETIC POLYMERS that result from the reaction of two components, a diisocyanate and a diamine.
Projected with high-pressure, hot-spray equipment, a continuous and elastic solid membrane is created within seconds, protecting the coated areas from impact, tearing, wearing and environmental degradation.
Because of their excellent mechanical properties and chemical resistances, these systems are widely used in construction and the automotive and marine sector, as well as in a wide range of industrial applications.
If you would like to learn more about polyureas, please click here.
PUA-100 AM
Sistema de poliurea aromática pura de aplicación manual, 100% sólidos y no dañino para el medio ambiente ya que no contiene solventes (VOCs) ni CFC's. Forma en minutos una membrana sin juntas, continua, impermeable y elástica con excelente resistencia a la tracción y al desgaste .Tiene un comportamiento excelente a bajas y altas temperaturas y mantiene la elongación incluso bajo 0 ºC.

Sistema de poliurea pura 100% sólidos desarrollada especialmente como un polímero adecuado para la protección contra explosiones, dada su capacidad de absorber las ondas de presión de una explosión, previniendo el colapso de las estructuras y la propagación de metralla.

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Tel: (+56 2) 32233398
Si tienes interés en trabajar con nosotros, por favor envíanos un email con tu CV a info@artluxeuropa.com.
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